
Dzielniki RT 6.5 - RT 75

Dzielniki RT 6.5 - RT 75

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Collecting receptacle and dividing head of stainless steel, stand of coated sheet steel
40.610.0001Sample Splitter RT 6.5
with 12 slots, 6.3 mm, W:300 x H:270 x D:250 mm
40.610.0002Sample Splitter RT 12.5
with 18 slots, 12.5 mm, W:300 x H:270 x D:250 mm
05.000.0019Spare collecting receptacle 1.5 litres (for RT 6.5 and RT 12.5), 1 piece

Sample Splitters with 3 receptacles 8 litres

All parts made of galvanized sheet
40.610.0003Sample Splitter RT 25
with 16 slots, 25.0 mm, W:620 x H:420 x D:260 mm
40.610.0004Sample Splitter RT 37.5
with 12 slots, 37.5 mm, W:620 x H:420 x D:260 mm
40.610.0005Sample Splitter RT 50
with 8 slots, 50.0 mm, W:620 x H:420 x D:260 mm
40.610.0006Sample Splitter RT 75
with 6 slots, 75.0 mm, W:620 x H:420 x D:260 mm
42.147.0002Spare collecting receptacle 8 litres (for RT 25, RT 37.5, RT 50 and RT 75), 1 piece

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